Fresh Mint in a Bison Burger?

I planted 6 mint plants about 5 years ago, and now I have a backyard full of mint.  Which means I'm always looking for something new (other than mojitos!) to put mint in.  I continue to be amazed at how many things taste great with some fresh mint in them; some that you would expect (like greek yogurt) and some that you would not.  The other day on a whim; I chopped up some fresh mint (probably 12-15 leaves worth) and mixed them into 1lb of our ground bison.  Before they hit the grill, I added just a couple grinds of black pepper and a pinch of kosher salt on the top.  WOW is mint good in bison burgers!  Similar to the way mint complements lamb; it seems to team up well with the flavor of grass-fed bison   Give it a try and see what you think!